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Pabellón de mujeres
Tinta sobre papel 21 x 28 cm
Pabellón de mujeres
Tinta sobre papel 21 x 28 cm
Pabellón de mujeres
Tinta sobre papel 21 x 28 cm
Pabellón de mujeres
Tinta sobre papel 21 x 28 cm
Drawings made from Olivia Martínez Rojas's description of the female ward as an intern at the Castañeda Mental Hospital in 1964.
Piece made for the X Bienal FEMSA Monterrey 2012
This project was supported by the Sistema Nacional de Creadores CONACULTA-FONCA, 2012 emission and the Jóvenes Creadores BBVA Bancomer-MACG program 2010-2012
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